Montrose Library
The design concept of this library focuses on the exploration of the site and the circulation of the user throughout the building. The occupant is encouraged to take a spiral-like path throughout the library which is demarcated by the form of the building, the arrangement of staircases, and the placement of the furniture. The architectural promenade begins with the parking lot which is located on the opposite side of the entrance. This encourages the user to explore a portion of the building from the exterior prior to immersing oneself in the library. The interior journey begins with a monumental stair, continues with a spiral path, and terminates with the most desirable location within the library, the main reading room facing the views of downtown Houston. The movement throughout the building creates a potential for the user to discover the library in a way they would not have created for themselves. This path not only creates an opportunity for the individual to explore three different atmospheres within one building, but it also creates a symbolism of self discovery a person goes through in life. The library’s image as a gathering place has been diminished, and this concept creates a potential for the user to become more profoundly connected with the library, the knowledge contained within it, as well as with oneself.
Professor: Carlos Jimenez